This blog is now for Narrative Story Ideas, my Production Journal and items from my Digital Story Technology course at the University of Adelaide. Please feel free to comment, or add story ideas of your own.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Welcome . . . and bon apertit . . . mine host

This has been a hectic week trying to get work done with my most powerful pc out of action. Arrrggghhh . . . I should have stayed with my Mac. Oh well.

I think that I will focus this blog on the skills and expertise that you need to manage a web site. This is not a simple subject, by any means. After many efforts at trying to get pages up I have realised that you need to be organised, organised and even organized.

First there is the matter of content, regardless of what the subject material is. Without content then you don't have a thing to publish on the web . . . and one or two or even a dozen pages is just not enough. You need content, content and more content - which must be organised, legible, readable, understandable and of value to your visitors.

Then once you have your content organised you must get it coded into html format - at a minimum. Before long you will be sweltering with php, asp, ssi, xml, java and all sorts
of obscure programming languages. You need to work the bugs out of pages that link or don't link or that have mistakes and errors in them. Then you need to see what your pages look like on different computers, with different operating systems, different browsers, different browser settings and with all manner of small medium and large monitors.

Then you need to find a host to publish your pages and a domain or subdomain to park your pages at so that you have a fixed address, or a unique relocatable location where people can easily find you. And even then, you have to index your pages on a regular basis and submit indexes to various search engines so that your site comes up whenever people are searching for whatever it might be that you offer, whether products of some sort or just information about
whatever subject it is that you are so interested in, that you must get in up on the net.

That's not the start of it. You need to monitor your traffic and find out how people are getting to your site; you need to know where your visitors come from and how they found out about you so that you can find more visitors. You need to put keywords into meta tags so that search engines have more reasons to list your site. You need to have links on as many different sites as you can so that the search engines can see how popular you are.

You will need web counters, monitoring and diagnostic tools, marketing and promoting experience. You may even have to sell advertising, or even other people's products so that visitors can find out about your own products. You need to engage in e-commerce, you must be able to accept credit cards, bank transfers and cheques as well as forming links with organisations such as PayPal so that you can accept payment for your goods and services, you may need to consider advertising with Google AdWords, AdSense and other middlemen.

That has barely scratched the surface. I am investigating different types of free web hosting at the moment because my main server went down and has not come back up again. Consequently I have files scattered all over the world trying to link with files and servers in Australia, America and Europe. Therefore, my next blog is likely to be about the ins and outs of free web hosting. Not everything that is free is really free . . .

adios for now
Chris Loft

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Chris Loft dot blog
welcome to my blog at Google

Lofty is a Blogger

Welcome to my blog.
Now I'm a blogger.

I wonder if anyone has read the previous post yet . . . oh well . . .this is just as much for myself as for anyone else.

I've had a terrible week, a horrible abcess on my lower jaw has just about incapacitated me. I've never experienced pain like this before . . . must be good for the soul . . . or something . .

Since the last post I have put a few more pages up . . . let's see . . . We are always updating the index page . . . it never seems right . . . Have added in all the album titles from our artists, even if they are not online yet . . . and added the Studio pages back . . . they must have slipped away when I wasn't looking . . . yes, I know, you don't even know what on earth I am talking about . . .

I wonder if you are aware that we are launching a global invasion . . . we have begun to plan phase one . . . so you had better be careful as you wake up each day. One day it will just happen . . . We are already recruiting secret agents . . . if you would like to become one of our operatives then send us some email and we will send you on a top secret mission . . .

Curly and Lofty got so bored . . . did we tell you about our trojan and rebooting PC . . . anyway they are off on a quest Curly and Lofty that is (not the trojan or unbootable PC) . . . they have decided to conquer the world . . . for many reasons . . . one of them is to try and find god so that we can publish his web and email address . . . so we have a page up looking for god (if there is one) . . . what do you think? . . . We really want to know, because everyone has their own views and interpretations of what god might or might not be . . .

So be sure to check out: God's Work . . . Secret Agent Net . . . The Adventures of Curly and Lofty . . . this blog of course . . . and our Battle Plan page is almost finished. . . all top top secret so tell as many people as you can . . .

I'm just waiting for someone to come over with a cigarette . . . before I run out of coffee . . . I'd better keep typing so I can distract myself . . .

We are talking with a number of bands at the moment with the view to forming a little cooperative radio station, much along the lines of but obviously with about twenty different bands . . . we have a few signed up already; so if you are interested get in touch with Chris, or Curly . . .

Baby, Pet and Veggie TV are all in the planning stages one of the babies slipped away onto Loffty and Curly's Adventure if you are looking for a sneak peek . . .

TimeZone and the Global Weather Page are also in the planning and design stages at the moment . . . do you want to know what time it is in England - right now. . . well that is easy . . . you just take nine and a half hours from the time in Adelaide, which is fine if you are in Adelaide . . . but if you want to find the time in America don't forget that that country covers about four time zones . . . but soon you'll be able to log onto our international Time and Weather pages so you can find out the time, weather or natural disaster situation anywhere in the world . . . I know . . . that is just so useful . . .

I've noticed spelling mistakes creeping into my work . . . this is terrible because I can spell well and tipe reel gude . . . sorry . . . but when spelling errors do persist . . . usually it's because my eyes are getting worse and worse - sometimes the screen is just a blur until I put my glasses on, and depending on what I am trying to read, and how far away it is on screen

This will be my blog diary so that I can sort out my thoughts, bash my head against walls and try to make some progress. Life was not meant to be easy, but gradually I am making some steps forward.

First we managed to get up before I had any internet access; this was a slow task but it was a good learning process. Thanks to Roy at for his help in getting radiocurly online. Then the server went down to hackers and we lost everything. We had just about got all of our audio files up and no video yet. So we found another host and started all over again, virtually redesigning from scratch; thanks John at JadeWorks.

Eventually we got connected to the net. A very slow dial-up connection that took Telstra weeks and weeks to connect. I managed to get about a dozen titles back up and used up all of the space on the new server. Then the old server came back up, where we have lots of space. Then a month or two later it went down again. It is still down. I managed to get hold of a larger hard disk so that I could store all of our titles, including 140 video clips ready to upload.

Then finally we got broadband connected . . . ahh this was wonderful (thank-you Peter Tregilgas at Arts Access). The first thing we did on the net was open ourselves up to viruses and trojans. Our main pc took a trojan and the program that managed to eliminate it also managed to take out some vital Windows files. I was still able to boot from another partition, until I tried to fix things further. And now Windows just goes into a recursive degenerate loop.

So we are working on getting these problems fixed while we try to figure out how to get the rest of our audio online, as well as trying to find the space to get our video clips up. Once we get our video up there will be no stopping us - we will become a virtual TV station on the net.

The procedure to date has been something like this - take one step forward - wait for events to drag me back about six steps - then try and take another step forwards. Progress has been slow - but we are gradually inching toward our goal.

So exactly what is it that we are trying to do? I have to ask myself this question continually, because in this ever-changing world our position is also ever changing. Initially this web site was to get the artists from radiocurly online. Additionally I decided to put some other stuff up as well, such as myspiralnet, some pages for my daughter, some diversions, my own pages - and more - then we developed an umbrella to hold everything together, this was Air City, but is already registered to an Asian air freight company. In all likelihood we will register something like City of Air - - as a device to hold all of our pages together in some sort of logical order.

The purpose of is to promote our music and our video clips - to make them available online for listening, for sale and for downloading.

How do you use the internet?
How do you use the internet? Statistics show that the majority of internet users are using Windows as their operating system and using Internet Explorer as their main browser. 90% or more users have Flash installed on their computers. The main media player in use seems to be Windows Media Player. Of course this information relates to Windows PC users - Macintosh users could be using Safari, Internet Explorer or Firefox, would probably have QuickTime installed and their main media player would be iTunes.

At home, we are using Windows XP on our PC with Firefox as our main browser - with Flash installed and WinAmp as our main media player. On our mac, (which is a low-powered, low-capacity storage machine at the moment) we are using Firefox as our browser, have Flash installed but at the moment we have removed iTunes and use a little program called Whamb as our media (audio) player. As you can see - this introduces a lot of variables as to what computer, browser and media player you may be using.

Additionally, people use the internet in different ways. Wouldn't it be boring if we all used the internet in the same way. There is no right or wrong way to use the internet and the last thing that we want to do is dictate how you should use it. On the other hand, some websites would like to direct your viewing habits and control how you view their pages and access information. We want you to listen to our music - that is our prime goal. If you like our music we would like you to buy our cds and dvds.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could attract users who would listen to radiocurly all day? It would be nice - but is most unlikely - so we have a plan to keep users interested in our pages.

If you have broadband connected then it is possible to be online all day. So you can pull up one of pages and listen to a cd or our radio broadcast - then open up another window or tab in your browser and carry on with your usual internet browsing - with our music playing in the background - all day - and you can listen to our radio broadcast all day without a single track repeating.

Ok - that is one scenario - here is another. Once you have called one of our pages up and are listening to some of our artist's great cds - what are you going to do then? We want to keep you interested - so we are filling our pages up with more information, more entertainment and more things to keep your interest.

Now we have myspiralnet online - this is my attempt to redefine the periodic table and the big bang theory. you have heard of the Big Bang - haven't you? Well forget about the Big Bang - it never happened - it was a Big Spiral. Air City (soon to be the City of AIr) is developing radio and video programs for your viewing pleasure.

Already online are starting points for Curly-TV, Alien-TV, Curly multiscreen, the 24-hour breakfast Show, Intergalactic Idol, the Alien Invasion and other diversions. In the planning stages at the moment we have Baby-TV, Pet-TV, Veggie and Fish-TV. Truly. They are coming. So is TimeZone - is ready to conquer the world and become the master of time. We are developing galleries of art, photography and other audio-visual experiences, we are planning pages of music, video clips, science, chemistry, physics, quantum physics and history.

Soon we are going to lead you to God, wherever he is, we are on a search to find him - a Google search reveals over 350 million entries - but we are going to track him down.

In developing radiocurly I have had to redefine the services that I offer to my clients. I am involved in live music production and have been for most of my life. My main interest is in lighting, but I am also an experienced sound engineer.

In the past I have managed bands, venues, put on international concerts and generally worked in production and promotion. After producing material for other artists for many years I finally got around to producing some of my own music. But then I got hijacked by Frank Siddarta and his band of cyborgs.

Soon I was producing material for artists that I had never heard of before, guys that lived in some cases only a few streets away from me. My home was soon turned into a studio and then more bands and artists arrived to be recorded. Our sound studio evolved into a video studio and we have produced about 140 video clips. These are huge files that we are struggling to upload. Soon.

So one of the goals at radiocurly is to have our own venue where our own bands can play and people can come and watch our awesome video clips on giant screens and be entertained by top local and national acts - who knows even international acts - just wait . . . Our own venue and our own shopping arcade.

Yes - we want a shopping arcade and we are developing Air City Arcade to house our venue, along with department stores, fashion houses, electronic supermarkets and food - hey . . . would you like to buy a car? What about a piano?

regards - Chris Loft


I wonder if anyone has read the previous post yet . . . oh well . . .this is just as much for myself as for anyone else.

I've had a terrible week, a horrible abcess on my lower jaw has just about incapacitated me. I've never experienced pain like this before . . . must be good for the soul . . . or something . .

Since the last post I have put a few more pages up . . . let's see . . . We are always updating the index page . . . it never seems right . . . Have added in all the album titles from our artists, even if they are not online yet . . . and added the Studio pages back . . . they must have slipped away when I wasn't looking . . . yes, I know, you don't even know what on earth I am talking about . . .

I wonder if you are aware that we are launching a global invasion . . . we have begun to plan phase one . . . so you had better be careful as you wake up each day. One day it will just happen . . . We are already recruiting secret agents . . . if you would like to become one of our operatives then send us some email and we will send you on a top secret mission . . .

Curly and Lofty got so bored . . . did we tell you about our trojan and rebooting PC . . . anyway they are off on a quest Curly and Lofty that is (not the trojan or unbootable PC) . . . they have decided to conquer the world . . . for many reasons . . . one of them is to try and find god so that we can publish his web and email address . . . so we have a page up looking for god (if there is one) . . . what do you think? . . . We really want to know, because everyone has their own views and interpretations of what god might or might not be . . .

So be sure to check out: God's Work . . . Secret Agent Net . . . The Adventures of Curly and Lofty . . . this blog of course . . . and our Battle Plan page is almost finished. . . all top top secret so tell as many people as you can . . .

I'm just waiting for someone to come over with a cigarette . . . before I run out of coffee . . . I'd better keep typing so I can distract myself . . .

We are talking with a number of bands at the moment with the view to forming a little cooperative radio station, much along the lines of but obviously with about twenty different bands . . . we have a few signed up already; so if you are interested get in touch with Chris, or Curly . . .

Baby, Pet and Veggie TV are all in the planning stages one of the babies slipped away onto Loffty and Curly's Adventure if you are looking for a sneak peek . . .

TimeZone and the Global Weather Page are also in the planning and design stages at the moment . . . do you want to know what time it is in England - right now. . . well that is easy . . . you just take nine and a half hours from the time in Adelaide, which is fine if you are in Adelaide . . . but if you want to find the time in America don't forget that that country covers about four time zones . . . but soon you'll be able to log onto our international Time and Weather pages so you can find out the time, weather or natural disaster situation anywhere in the world . . . I know . . . that is just so useful . . .

I've noticed spelling mistakes creeping into my work . . . this is terrible because I can spell well and tipe reel gude . . . sorry . . . but when spelling errors do persist . . . usually it's because my eyes are getting worse and worse - sometimes the screen is just a blur until I put my glasses on, and depending on what I am trying to read, and how far away it is on screen


This will be my blog diary so that I can sort out my thoughts, bash my head against walls and try to make some progress. Life was not meant to be easy, but gradually I am making some steps forward.

First we managed to get up before I had any internet access; this was a slow task but it was a good learning process. Thanks to Roy at for his help in getting radiocurly online. Then the server went down to hackers and we lost everything. We had just about got all of our audio files up and no video yet. So we found another host and started all over again, virtually redesigning from scratch; thanks John at JadeWorks.

Eventually we got connected to the net. A very slow dial-up connection that took Telstra weeks and weeks to connect. I managed to get about a dozen titles back up and used up all of the space on the new server. Then the old server came back up, where we have lots of space. Then a month or two later it went down again. It is still down. I managed to get hold of a larger hard disk so that I could store all of our titles, including 140 video clips ready to upload.

Then finally we got broadband connected . . . ahh this was wonderful (thank-you Peter Tregilgas at Arts Access). The first thing we did on the net was open ourselves up to viruses and trojans. Our main pc took a trojan and the program that managed to eliminate it also managed to take out some vital Windows files. I was still able to boot from another partition, until I tried to fix things further. And now Windows just goes into a recursive degenerate loop.

So we are working on getting these problems fixed while we try to figure out how to get the rest of our audio online, as well as trying to find the space to get our video clips up. Once we get our video up there will be no stopping us - we will become a virtual TV station on the net.

The procedure to date has been something like this - take one step forward - wait for events to drag me back about six steps - then try and take another step forwards. Progress has been slow - but we are gradually inching toward our goal.

So exactly what is it that we are trying to do? I have to ask myself this question continually, because in this ever-changing world our position is also ever changing. Initially this web site was to get the artists from radiocurly online. Additionally I decided to put some other stuff up as well, such as myspiralnet, some pages for my daughter, some diversions, my own pages - and more - then we developed an umbrella to hold everything together, this was Air City, but is already registered to an Asian air freight company. In all likelihood we will register something like City of Air - - as a device to hold all of our pages together in some sort of logical order.

The purpose of is to promote our music and our video clips - to make them available online for listening, for sale and for downloading.

How do you use the internet?How do you use the internet? Statistics show that the majority of internet users are using Windows as their operating system and using Internet Explorer as their main browser. 90% or more users have Flash installed on their computers. The main media player in use seems to be Windows Media Player. Of course this information relates to Windows PC users - Macintosh users could be using Safari, Internet Explorer or Firefox, would probably have QuickTime installed and their main media player would be iTunes.At home, we are using Windows XP on our PC with Firefox as our main browser - with Flash installed and WinAmp as our main media player. On our mac, (which is a low-powered, low-capacity storage machine at the moment) we are using Firefox as our browser, have Flash installed but at the moment we have removed iTunes and use a little program called Whamb as our media (audio) player.As you can see - this introduces a lot of variables as to what computer, browser and media player you may be using. Additionally, people use the internet in different ways. Wouldn't it be boring if we all used the internet in the same way. There is no right or wrong way to use the internet and the last thing that we want to do is dictate how you should use it. On the other hand, some websites would like to direct your viewing habits and control how you view their pages and access information.We want you to listen to our music - that is our prime goal. If you like our music we would like you to buy our cds and dvds. Wouldn't it be nice if we could attract users who would listen to radiocurly all day? It would be nice - but is most unlikely - so we have a plan to keep users interested in our pages.

If you have broadband connected then it is possible to be online all day. So you can pull up one of pages and listen to a cd or our radio broadcast - then open up another window or tab in your browser and carry on with your usual internet browsing - with our music playing in the background - all day - and you can listen to our radio broadcast all day without a single track repeating.

Ok - that is one scenario - here is another. Once you have called one of our pages up and are listening to some of our artist's great cds - what are you going to do then? We want to keep you interested - so we are filling our pages up with more information, more entertainment and more things to keep your interest.Already we have myspiralnet online - this is my attempt to redefine the periodic table and the big bang theory. you have heard of the Big Bang - haven't you? Well forget about the Big Bang - it never happened - it was a Big Spiral. Air City (soon to be the City of AIr) is developing radio and video programs for your viewing pleasure. Already online are starting points for Curly-TV, Alien-TV, Curly multiscreen, the 24-hour breakfast Show, Intergalactic Idol, the Alien Invasion and other diversions. In the planning stages at the moment we have Baby-TV, Pet-TV, Veggie and Fish-TV. Truly. They are coming. So is TimeZone - is ready to conquer the world and become the master of time.We are developing galleries of art, photography and other audio-visual experiences, we are planning pages of music, video clips, science, chemistry, physics, quantum physics and history. Soon we are going to lead you to God, wherever he is, we are on a search to find him - a Google search reveals over 350 million entries - but we are going to track him down.In developing radiocurly I have had to redefine the services that I offer to my clients. I am involved in live music production and have been for most of my life. My main interest is in lighting, but I am also an experienced sound engineer. In the past I have managed bands, venues, put on international concerts and generally worked in production and promotion. After producing material for other artists for many years I finally got around to producing some of my own music. But then I got hijacked by Frank Siddarta and his band of cyborgs. Soon I was producing material for artists that I had never heard of before, guys that lived in some cases only a few streets away from me. My home was soon turned into a studio and then more bands and artists arrived to be recorded. Our sound studio evolved into a video studio and we have produced about 140 video clips. These are huge files that we are struggling to upload. Soon.So one of the goals at radiocurly is to have our own venue where our own bands can play and people can come and watch our awesome video clips on giant screens and be entertained by top local and national acts - who knows even international acts - just wait . . . Our own venue and our own shopping arcade. Yes - we want a shopping arcade and we are developing Air City Arcade to house our venue, along with department stores, fashion houses, electronic supermarkets and food - hey . . . would you like to buy a car? What about a piano?regards - Chris